Patrick D. Elliott


About me

I'm a formal semanticist, which means that I spend most of my time developing precise models of how we construct meanings. Some of my other interests include syntax (especially categorical approaches), functional programming, and category theory. I currently work as lecturer in semantics/pragmatics at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf.

Reach me at [email protected].


  • Filipe Hisao Kobayashi and gave a talk entitled "Nominal free choice" at the MECORE closing workshop, Konstanz, June. You can find the slides here.
  • I have a new manuscript on lingbuzz together with Tanya Bondarenko entitled Monotonicity via mereology in the semantics of attitude reports. You can find it here.
  • I have a new paper in the Proceedings of SALT 33 entitled Donkey disjunctions and overlapping updates, which you can find here.
  • I have a new manuscript on lingbuzz together with Yasu Sudo entitled Free choice with anaphora. You can find it here.
  • I taught an ESSLLI course together with Lisa Hofmann entitled "Explaining anaphora accessibility: navigating non-veridical environments in dynamic semantics". You can find the course material here.
  • I have a new manuscript on lingbuzz entitled Partee conjunctions: projection and possibility. You can find it here.